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Sifter Solutions

500 W. Madison Street
Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60661-2559
United States
Tel: 847-239-0900 |

Sifter is the only technology platform linking healthcare’s Food as Medicine movement with food retail. Our science-based algorithms "sift" grocery foods and beverages against 1,500+ attributes, including chronic conditions such as food allergies, diabetes, and hypertension, as well as ingredient likes and dislikes — the greatest degree of personalization available today.

– Accurate, curated product data served fast
– In-store barcode scanning
– Recipe customization by health condition
– Targeted incentives that fit shopper's personal health needs
– Flexible API integration for drastically reduced development time

Primary Contact:
Ms. Judy Seybold
Chief Nutrition Officer
Technology Services
The Food as Medicine Platform, Sifter Connect API, Shop By Diet, Scan By Diet, RecipeSifter

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