FMI Webinar: Patent Troll Litigation Alternatives

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 (11am - 12pm US/Eastern)

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

Patent Troll Litigation Alternatives
M•CAM Webinar for Food Marketing Institute Members

A patent troll (a.k.a. Non-Practicing Entity or “NPE”) has sent you an assertion letter telling you that you have infringed a patent and is asking for a licensing payment or settlement...
Now what?

Going to trial has a high risk and potentially high cost. Settlement has a direct immediate cost. However, settlement leaves open the risk that there will be future troll assertions. Are these the only two options? No! How can you remove the troll(s) and secure the Freedom-To-Operate for your current and future business? M•CAM can provide solutions and options.

At 11:00am on Wednesday February 27th, M•CAM and FMI will host a one hour Webinar discussing the patent troll model and strategies for dealing with it. During the presentation, we will give you examples of how to pursue individual or class strategies, and mitigate current and future troll litigation risks.

We Will Discuss: M•CAM’s Troll Attack Strategy

● How does M•CAM view the patent troll risk faced by the food retail industry in contrast to the risk faced by other industries? What data, case examples, or research has led to these conclusions?

● How does M•CAM view the patent troll risk today in contrast to five years ago? How does M•CAM see patent troll risk evolving in the next five years?

● Description of strategy generally - including prior executions of the attack strategy.

● Review examples of how the attack strategy would work for the Food Marketing Institute members (individually or as a collective), using data/portfolios of actual trolls.

● Review of the cost of implementing the attack strategy on the exemplary trolls.

● Review of projected cost of actual program; discussion of funding requirements and assumptions. What level of pre-funding is required (or is the proposal purely reactive)? How does this build current and future value, i.e. how does this mitigate risk of future assertions?

● War is hell: Does this strategy risk escalating or broadening fight with trolls?

• Questions, follow-up matters, next steps

For more information, contact Erik Lieberman,