FMI Webinar: Personalization: Buzz Word or Key Strategy for Food Retail Success?

Thursday, June 9, 2016 (12pm - 1pm US/Eastern)

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

FMI Connect is pleased to host Graeme McVie, VP & GM, Business Development, Precima, as part of the FMI Webinar series leading up to the 2016 FMI Connect, June 20-23 in Chicago, IL.

Personalization is a hot topic in the food retail industry and grocers are stepping up their efforts to provide highly customized offers for shoppers. But just how valuable are these personalized customer promotions to shoppers? Should grocers consider altering the balance of their overall promotion strategy and shift resources from traditional merchandising-driven trade promotions to more marketing-driven customer promotions? Hear the results of new research will allow you to gain insight into how shoppers perceive the value of in-store trade promotion programs versus customer marketing promotions, how relevant they are in meeting shoppers’ evolving promotional needs and the drivers of those needs. You’ll also take away some practical tips and best practices for successfully personalizing special offers.

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Registration Fees:

These fees are available through 06/09/2016
Name Price
FMI Webinar $0.00