
Consumer Health & Wellness Trends Webinar

Thursday, September 8, 2016 (1pm - 2pm US/Eastern)
FMI Webinar

Online registration is not available at this time.

Consumer Health & Wellness Trends Webinar
Sue Borra, Chief Health and Wellness Officer & Executive Director of the FMI Foundation

Register today for this free webinar.

Today’s food shoppers understand the important role food choices play in their health, but they still struggle to make changes to improve their food selection. Join FMI's Sue Borra as she take a closer look at the health and wellness trends from two of FMI's recently released signature research studies, U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends 2016 and Shopping For Health 2016 and the impact on retail. In addition to looking at the current state of consumer perceptions on health and wellness, Sue Borra will discuss how many of these health and wellness needs are addressed in the movement for National Family Meals MonthTM.

U.S Grocery Shopper Trends and Shopping for Health are available in the FMI Store.

Please contact Charmaine Wiggins with questions about this webinar.

*U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends is prepared for FMI by the Hartman Group.

*Shopping for Health is a survey of American grocery shoppers that has been
conducted for over 20 years by Rodale, Inc. and the Food Marketing Institute (FMI).