Top Trends in Fresh - Personalization

Thursday, April 27, 2017 (2pm - 3pm US/Eastern)
FMI Webinar

Online registration is not available at this time.

Personalization is one of the most talked about aspects of marketing today. With an abundance of data that is collected through web clicks, loyalty programs, social media and mobile apps, CPG manufacturers and retailers know more about their consumers than ever before. The third installment of the Top Trends in Fresh webinar series, “Atomization of Personalization,” will focus on how CPG retailers and manufacturers can leverage this vast amount of data to customize their shoppers’ experiences.

But, it’s not just about delving into data. Stores can also work to give shoppers something that feels more their own. From building their own trail mix from several bulk ingredients to prepackaged kits containing ingredients to make guacamole, store offerings that allow more personalization go a long way toward attracting shoppers and driving sales.

Don’t miss out on this webinar, where you’ll learn:

• How the kaleidoscope of demographic changes and income bifurcation and technology in the United States is driving the atomization of American lives and impacting how they plan and consume.
• What tactics are being leveraged to attract consumers along their shopping and consumption journey.
• Why IRI believes that future growth will continue.

Speakers: Sally Lyons Wyatt, executive vice president and practice leader of Client Insights, IRI; and Rick Stein, vice president of fresh foods, Food Marketing Institute

Date: Thursday, April 27, 2017
Time: 2 p.m. EDT
1 p.m. CDT
11 p.m. PDT

Upcoming "Top Trends in Fresh" Webinars:
June 1: Top Trends in Fresh: Hyperlocalization
July 13: Top Trends in Fresh: Customization to the New Consumerism

Related Web Pages and Sites:
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