The Power of Meat

Thursday, March 9, 2017 (2pm - 3pm US/Eastern)
FMI Webinar

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

It’s an upside-down world. After years of growing dollars in a volume-challenged marketplace, deflation is profoundly changing the meat purchase yet again.

Join our webinar to see how buying patterns, consumer interest and trends are shifting. The Power of Meat is the peer-recommended, highly-valued update on the meat category’s path to purchase, starting with the influence of megatrends and pre-trip planning through in-store tactics and ways to better meet consumer needs.

• Is shopper interest for transparency still growing and what influence do megatrends have?
• How important are promotions and pre-trip planning in today’s deflationary environment?
• Are alternative channels continuing to make inroads?
• How does the meat purchasing decision stack up? Has the interplay of price, quality, convenience, nutrition and service changed in today’s marketplace?
• What are areas of strength and opportunity as we work to maximize satisfaction, sales and profits?

Anne-Marie Roerink
210 Analytics