Webinar: The New Future Leaders eXperience

Tuesday, April 3, 2018 (1pm - 1:45pm US/Eastern)
FMI Webinar

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

Transform Your Leaders. Transform Your Business. A New Future Leaders eXperience . Participate in the webinar to learn what's new this year.

FMI has partnered with Root Inc. to redesign the entire Future Leader experience and leverage the world renowned Root Compass® experience as the leadership framework. Root Compass offers new and seasoned leaders a street-smart approach to leadership that will change the way they see themselves and the way they tackle their role.

Emerging Leaders are more important than you think. As we know, the food industry is currently undergoing significant change, and organizations desperately need emerging leaders to bring their new strategies to life. A generic leadership conference is just not enough! At the Future Leaders eXperience — we’ll transform your emerging leaders through a holistic experience that includes pre-conference and post-conference support, and the option to pursue a food industry leadership certificate.

Webinar Topics
**New format: what’s different and why
**What you can expect from the fully custom experience, and interactive methodology
**Overview of the custom Know My Food Industry module
**Option to pursue a food retail leader certificate program administered by FMI

Need more information?
If you would like to learn more about the Future Leader eXperience or have specific questions about the webinar,please contact Laurie Gethin, Director of Education, lgethin@fmi.org

Related Web Pages and Sites:
FMI Future Leaders eXperience

Registration Fees:

These fees are available through 04/04/2018
Name Price
Complimentary $0.00  
Complimentary $0.00