Introducing the Business (yes, business) Data and Tools Available from the U.S. Census Bureau

Tuesday, July 24, 2018 (2pm - 3pm US/Eastern)

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

Most Americans know that the U.S. Census Bureau conducts a full count of the U.S. population every 10 years, but few know about the business data they publish. This webinar will provide an overview of the monthly, quarterly, and annual demographic and business data provided and how Food Retailers and Wholesalers can use these data in their businesses. The webinar will also provide a live demo of Census Business Builder, an easy to use data tool specifically designed for small businesses. Since the quality of the business data provided are directly related to the data collected, this webinar will also discuss the resources available to businesses to help them respond to the ongoing Economic Census, their largest business survey.

Please join us on July 24 at 2PM as Andrew Hait and Charles Brady from the U.S. Census Bureau provide you with this important information and tools that can help you grow your business.

Registration Fees:

These fees are available through 07/24/2018
Name Price
Research $0.00  
Research $0.00  
Research $0.00  
Rearch $0.00