Cultivate Trust-Building Transparency

Thursday, February 21, 2019 (1pm - 2pm US/Eastern)

Online registration is not available at this time.

Over the past five years, the Food Marketing Institute along with other food system leaders have explored consumers’ increased calls for greater trust-building transparency in today’s food system – from the farm gate to the dinner plate. Throughout our first interactive online learning experience, we will cultivate our understanding and knowledge of what the research – FMI’s, The Center for Food Integrity’s, and others, is telling us and how we can begin to apply key learnings within our organizations.

This is part one of a three-part online learning experience designed to help your food retail company develop a trust-building transparency program for your organization. We encourage you to join in all three parts, including these additional portions:

• February 28 - Nourish Trust-Building Transparency
• March 7 - Harvest Results from Trust-Building Transparency

Please register here:

Sponsors and Sponsorship Information:

J.J. Jones, Co-founder
Roots & Legacies on behalf of The Center for Food Integrity
Turning consumer data and research into useable insights for today’s food system energizes J.J. Earning degrees from Kansas State University in Animal Science and Industry and International Agriculture, J.J. is a strong leader in communicating with various agriculture and food industry stakeholders.

J.J. is a frequent presenter on consumer attitudes and trends regarding agriculture and food and has worked in over 30 countries on behalf of farmers, ranchers and agribusiness during his career. Over his career J.J. has worked with countless food system leaders from the American Association of Swine Veterinarians to Wegmans and Galunion [food service] in Brazil to the World Wildlife Fund.

J.J. is a board member of both the Agribusiness Council of Kansas City and Cultivating Change Foundation, an elder at Country Club Christian Church and a Governor for the American Royal Association. J.J. and his husband, Kevin, enjoy all things food and wine!