Payments in the Grocery Industry: Taking a Bite Out of Your Card Costs

Thursday, April 25, 2019 (2pm - 3pm US/Eastern)

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

The card industry is changing rapidly, and it can be difficult for even the best-equipped merchants to keep up. Card costs are rising quickly, and the 28 new or amended fees imposed since the Durbin amendment entered into force mean that regulation savings have now been eroded by more than 50%. Add to that the unique payment complexities that merchants operating in the grocery industry face – and you have a recipe for high costs and missed opportunities.

Merchants should be taking advantage of an area of their supply chain that could result in significant seven-figure saving opportunities – an optimized debit routing solution. In this webinar, CMSPI payments consultants explain some of the key issues facing grocery stores and highlight how optimizing your debit acceptance arrangements could lower your costs significantly and mitigate against rising fees elsewhere.