The Multi-Employer Pension System on the Brink: A Legislative & Regulatory Update

Wednesday, November 13, 2019 (3pm - 4pm US/Eastern)

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

Although it has not been as high-profile as some other issues, the 116th Congress has continued to wrestle with the financial breakdown of the multi-employer pension system. Despite stellar financial returns during the first-half of 2019, over 150 plans are less than 60 percent funded and millions of workers are in danger of seeing their benefits cut or even eliminated. The system’s backstop – the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) – classifies its multi-employer program as being in “dire financial condition” and believes it will run out of money by 2025 if action is not taken. Congress is tackling this issue head on but faces a rapidly decreasing number of legislative days in which to act. The House passed its preferred legislation in July and Senate negotiators are working on a plan that can garner the votes needed to become law, but it is unclear how these two approaches are ultimately going to be reconciled.

Join us for a 1-hour webinar updating FMI members on the current state of play of the multi-employer pension issue, including the legislative options being considered, the obstacles faced and the potential time frame for action in 2019 and beyond. Brigen Winters, a Principal at the Groom Law Group, will be our featured speaker. A question and answer period will follow Mr. Winter’s presentation so come armed with your questions, concerns and “must know” ideas.

Registration Fees:

These fees are available through 11/13/2019
Name Price
Complimentary Registration $0.00