Sustainability on the Shelves: Fresh Webinar

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
2345 Crystal Drive [map]
8th Floor
Arlington, VA, VA 22202-4801

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

The Sustainability on the Shelves Fresh webinar will provide a basic overview of sustainability in the food retail sector and a framework to help food retail buyers and category managers respond to both their company's and customers' demand for more sustainable products in specific retail categories.

This category-specif webinar training session will help grocery category managers achieve the following learning objectives:

1. Provide good working understanding of sustainability in the food retail sector,

2. Identify key sustainability issues specific to each product category

3. Have questions and tools to help understand and verify sustainability claims, recognize "greenwashing", and select more sustainable products.

Suggested Materials:
Sustainability on the Shelves: A Guide for Category Managers & Buyers

Registration Fees:

These fees are available through 07/21/2011
Name Price
Registration $0.00