FMI Webinar on Addressing Consumer Questions about GMOs

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 (3pm - 4pm US/Eastern)

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

Pass or fail, California’s Proposition 37 will no doubt raise consumer interest in the topic of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). To help FMI members answer consumer concerns and inquiries, FMI has solicited the help of three food biotechnology experts to provide background, pertinent information and resources on this emerging issue.

Three presenters - approaching the issue of GMOs from the vantage points of academia, biotech industry and the perspective of consumer interest - will provide varying points of view and then be available for a question and answer session. Panelists include:

  • Professor Martina Newell-McGloughlin, D.Sc., UC Davis

  • David Stark, Monsanto

  • Gregory Jaffe, Center for Science in the Public Interest

Who Should Attend:

Food retail professionals in consumer affairs, communications, marketing/merchandising, food safety, health & wellness and government relations