Online Shopping, Health and Well-Being, and Transparency Through the Lens of Personalization

Thursday, September 12, 2019
2:00 pm EST / 1:00 pm CST / 12:00 PM MST/ 11:00 AM PST)

Webinar Description: 

Today’s households are eating in increasingly personalized ways as they pursue individual aspirations of eating well, challenging the food shopping experience.  Join us as we explore how online shopping, desires for health and well-being and the quest for transparency can all be consumer expressions of personalization.  The focus of this year's 2019 U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends study conducted by The Hartman Group, is to understand the myths and opportunities of personalization in the grocery retail experience.

Webinar Objectives:

Participants should attend this webinar in order to: 

  • Leverage their online shopping platforms to provide the personalized experience shoppers are seeking in the store and when online
  • Learn how consumers' different perceptions of eating well impact their expectations from their grocery shopping experience
  • Understand the role of the shoppers' quest for information on their desire for personalization of their shopping experience



Steve Markenson 
Director of Research 
Food Marketing Institute 


David Fikes
VP, Communications & Consumer/Community Affairs
Food Marketing Institute


Natalie Menza-Crowe, MS RD
Director of Health and Wellness
Wakefern Food Corp.