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Building Workforce Capacity 2023 (On-Demand Recording Bundle)

Streaming Video

FMI Members & Non-Members - $0.00


Learn about workforce trends and attracting diverse talent to your teams. Hear from:

- The Population Reference Bureau about workforce shortage trends in the United States and other developed countries around the world.
- Uplift Solutions about employing formerly incarcerated individuals and others who have been impacted by the criminal justice system.
- The Tent Partnership for Refugees to learn why the food industry should look to refugees as a new source of talent.

Presentations included in the bundle:

- Population Trends and Impacts for the U.S. Labor Force | July 11, 2023
- Undiscovered Talent: Exploring Second Chance Hiring | July 26, 2023
- Building Workforce Capacity: Connecting the Food Industry to Refugee Talent | October 4, 2023

Product Details:

Product ID: 1000408
Publication Year: 2023
Pages, Size, or Length: 180 minutes