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A FreshForward Conversation: Enhancing the Fresh Supply Chain Through Technology

Streaming Video

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Seminar Description:
In this session, we’re going to address a growing challenge in the fresh foods industry — the need to enhance the supply chain to reduce costs, gain efficiencies and satisfy consumer needs. This imperative has only grown in importance since the start of the pandemic.

Technology is more crucial than ever for accomplishing this, because it helps to streamline processes and bring together stakeholders in real time — which supports collaborative partnerships.

We’re pleased to have with us in this session an expert on how technology can be leveraged to improve procurement and the fresh supply chain.

Seminar Objectives:
View this session to learn more about the following questions:

Technology: Given that fresh is central to the success of food retailers today, how can technology be leveraged to enhance the fresh supply chain?

Transportation: The fresh supply chain is encountering enormous challenges on the transportation side. Why is this happening and what are the best strategies to alleviate the pressures?

Costs: What is the outlook for rising costs in the fresh supply chain and how can this problem best be addressed? What will happen if it’s not successfully addressed?

Partnerships: Given all the stakeholders involved in the fresh community — from farmers to grower shippers to retailers — are there unique approaches to developing successful collaborative partnerships across the fresh supply chain?

Food Safety: What do you see ahead with strategies to enhance food safety in the fresh supply chain

Product Details:

Product ID: 1000252
Publication Year: 2022
Pages, Size, or Length: 15 minutes