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Store Operations Series: Employee Morale - Do You Know How Happy Your Employees Are? (On-Demand Recording)

Streaming Video

Domestic Ret./Whslr., Canadian Ret./Whslr., International Ret./Whslr., University/College, Association Council, Product Supplier, Association Partner, Industry Partner, Strategic Partner, Affiliate Partner, Staff - $0.00

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Do you ever wonder how your store employees’ morale compares to your competitors’? After the previous session on how to properly onboard a new employee and set them up for a happy and successful career in your store, Harold Lloyd will now dive deep to help you quantify your current employees’ morale and make sure they are set up for a happy and successful career in your store, too. Happy employees equal a happy store and happy customers! What you can expect to get: After benchmarking your company’s morale score through the Retention Probability Test (provided as a resource), this seminar will present you and your team with actionable items to improve each of the 10 areas the test addresses. The aim is to move your store’s morale in a positive direction. Once you have determined your morale score, you and your managers should discuss your scores together for greater accuracy. Harold Lloyd then recommends taking your lowest rated criteria, one at a time, and tackling them with the advice presented in this episode, so that when you retest in 12 months, you will be certain to have improved your stores’ score. This 60 minute session includes in three parts: We will take a quick look back the most important best practices during An Employee’s First 30 Days. Harold will dive deep into Employee Morale. Harold will share his famous Favorite Fotos, this time with a holiday twist! Store operations professionals should view in order to: Identify 10 components that impact employee morale Determine the employee morale score at your store Implement strategies to improve performance on each component

Product Details:

Product ID: 1000219
Publication Year: 2022