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Store Operations Series: It's About Time - A Time Management Tool Chest for Retailers (On-Demand Recording)

Streaming Video

Domestic Ret./Whslr., Canadian Ret./Whslr., International Ret./Whslr., University/College, Association Council, Product Supplier, Association Partner, Industry Partner, Strategic Partner, Affiliate Partner, Staff - $0.00

Non-Member - $29.00


Retailing is a notoriously time intensive occupation…because of the incredible number of hours that we are open for business. But working more hours doesn’t make a manager/leader more effective.

This session is about TIME and how it can be used more effectively in a retail environment. It will also showcase four practical, effective and time-tested time management techniques all embraceable with a modicum of effort.

So, if you frequently find yourself wishing a day was 26 hours long or that there were 8 days a week, this session may be time well spent.

Learn 4 key takeaways:
The importance of creating a “Priorities of My Life” list.
The need to spend the first 20 minutes of your day quietly planning it.
How to identify the distractions that ‘steal’ your minutes/hours each week.
The ‘importance of’ and ‘how to’ delegate better by creating a functional to-do list each day.

Product Details:

Product ID: 1000230
Publication Year: 2020
Pages, Size, or Length: 60 minutes