A new alternative to the announcement cards is a List. To create this, first create a list of announcements you want to make by going to Content -> Lists in Sitefinity, and creating a list. In each item, fill out these fields:
Once you've created your list, all you need to do after that is drop in an MVC List widget, select your List, and choose the "Card carousel with count" template. See example below.
<p style="text-align: center;">
<a class="button-secondary button--big" href="#" title="Speakers" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Full Lineup</a> </p>
Note: when the below refers to making two layout blocks "neighbors", you should make sure they're both part of a parent layout element, but not one within the other. The easiest way to do this is to label the parent element (the one you're dragging two into), so you can see two distinct layout blocks, one above the other. If you only see one box to drop content into they're probably nested.
<img alt="replace" data-src="/images/default-source/supply-chain-library/supply_chain_conference_02.jpg?Status=Temp&sfvrsn=e42e706e_2" class="loaded" />
<img alt="replace" data-src="/images/default-source/supply-chain-library/supply_chain_conference_01.jpg?Status=Temp&sfvrsn=e62e706e_2" class="loaded" />
<img alt="replace" data-src="/images/default-source/supply-chain-library/supply_chain_conference_podium.jpg?Status=Temp&sfvrsn=1a2e706e_2" class="loaded" />
Association leaders from FMI and GMA share an industry-wide perspective on the impact of transportation issues and solutions projects at all points along the supply chain and the collaborative relationships that will carry us forward.
Hear a macro view of the landscape of our federal transportation environment, including FMCSA efforts that offer the potential to create more jobs in the commercial motor vehicle industry while maintaining the highest level of safety.
Too many shippers try to control the uncontrollable when managing their transportation costs. Within the uncertainties of today’s transportation environment, this session will help you unlock the value of investing in your transportation area as an asset, managing from the inside out, and controlling the things you truly can control to drive savings directly to your bottom line.
window.supporterUrl = 'URL_HERE';
<div class="logo-wall"> </div>
mg-thumbnail-list--5-acrossThe number in the template you select will be how many columns are used, so try to set a good amount for the amount of space you have and/or the number of sponsors you have. (e.g.: don't choose 5 columns if you're displaying in a very small space; don't choose 4 columns if you have 9 sponsors since you'll have one on a row all its own.)
<div id="pull" data-meetingid="442BBE00000008"> </div>
Drag in a 100% width layout and add a banded-bright section-inner class to the wrapper and a container class to Column 1.
For creating a block-like treatment, first look at the number of rows you need (rows being dictated by complete lines of white space that span the entire treatment). Then, for each row, choose either a 33%+67%, 67%+33%, or a 33%+34%+33% layout element. In any case, name the wrapper class tile--banner .
In each column drag in a Tiles widget (under Curated Tiles, non-mvc). Chose to display 'one particular tile only'. Under Single Item Settings/ Detail Template, select Matrix - Single Tile. Small and medium tiles are reserved for columns of 33% or 34%, while large tiles are for 66%. Small tiles can be stacked in the same column.
Since 100% can't be divided three ways evenly, some alignment issues can arise. When creating this treatment, choose one column to apply the extra 1% to and stick with it throughout every row.
Normal Text
When using a navigation widget:
add a list-across class to a list to make it display horizontal.
<ul class="list-across"> <li>I am a list item</li> <li>I am also a list item!</li> </ul>
add a list-across-divided class to a list to make it a divided horizontal list.
<ul class="list-across-divided"> <li>I am a list item</li> <li>I am also a list item!</li> </ul>
<ul class="list-across"> <li><a href="#" class="button">Hello world</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="button-secondary">Hello world</a></li> </ul>
To make buttons bigger add a button--big class.
<ul class="list-across"> <li><a href="#" class="button button--big">Hello world</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="button-secondary button--big">Hello world</a></li> </ul>
This is some normal text. This is some normal text. This is some normal text. This is some normal text. This is some normal text.
Use a small-text class for some small text. This is some small text. This is some small text.
Use a medium-text class for some medium text. This is some medium text. This is some medium text.
Use a large-text class for large text. This is some large text. This is some large text.
Use a larger-text class for some larger text. This is some larger text. This is some larger text.
Use a largest-text class for the largest text.
This layout column has a max width (the content within does not strech to the edge of the browser on wide viewports).
Use a container class on a layout column to apply the sites' standard max width restriction.
This layout column has a more comfortable reading line length.
Add section to the wrapper and container and reading-container class on the same column to shorten the max-width restriction.
This layout column is more narrow.
In addition to the container class, also use a reading-narrow class on the same column to shorten the max-width restriction.
This layout column has the most narrow max width of all.
In addition to the container class, also use a reading-slim class on the same column to shorten the max-width restriction.
I've been pushed down.
Drop in a multi-column layout block and add a divided-columns class to the wrapper.
Add a equal-heights class if you want the columns to appear equal in height.
Add a center-inside class if you want the content within the columns to be vertically centered.
The default background of the site is a light gray color.
If for some reason layout elements don't stack on mobile - add a mobile-zero class to the layout element.
Drag in a two column layout and add a media-box--secondary class to the wrapper.
This variation of the media box is intended to span the width of the screen, so make sure that you don't set this up inside another layout area with a max width.
Add a two column layout block and add a call-to-action class on the wrapper.
Do somethingIf you are using two columns put a equal-heights class on the main wrapper layout block. This will stretch the background color of both columns so that the columns appear even in height.
Do somethingDrag in a 100% column layout. Add a section-2x class to the wrapper and add container in Column 1.
Into this layout element, drag a Blog Posts MVC widget. Select "Use Limit" and set to 3 items total. Choose "Matrix blog post cards" as your "List template."
In the Single Item Settings, under "Open Single Item In...", choose Selected existing page > (Voice of Food Retail Blog) > View
Use a Content Block with text (in H3 & Strong) for the heading and put it right above the blog card content.
To add a button to the blog below the cards, add a Content Block there and copy this HTML:
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="/blog" class="button" sfref="[f669d9a7-009d-4d83-ddaa-000000000002]eabdcb02-24aa-6724-9237-ff0000c12749">Read our blog</a></p>
Drag in a 100% column layout and add a section-2x class to the wrapper and container in Column 1.
Into this layout element, drag in a News MVC widget. Select "Use Limit" and set to 3 items total. Choose "Matrix news cards" as your "List template.
In the Single Item Settings, select existing page > Newsroom > Latest News > View
ARLINGTON, VA – Today, the FMI Foundation announces the 2024 Gold Plate Award recipients, which celebrates outstanding programs implemented by the food industry to encourage family meals. Award winners include Skogen’s Festival Foods, Coborn’s, Inc., Hy-Vee, Inc., Campbell Soup Company, The Foundation for Fresh Produce and Ahold Delhaize USA.
“As we celebrate another successful National Family Meals Month™, it’s encouraging to see that 31% of Americans are aware of this important initiative, and even more inspiring to learn that an impressive 95% of those individuals have made positive changes to their food habits,” said David Fikes, executive director of the FMI Foundation. “This national effort reflects a growing recognition of the contributions shared meals bring to human connections, communication, and overall well-being—principles we highlight through our Gold Plate Awards.”
Skogen's “Making Meals Easier” campaign inspired families with cooking tips and recipes, supported by vendor partnerships and multi-channel promotions through social media, in-store displays, and emails. An incentive program encouraging donations to ‘Food for Neighbors,’ benefiting 40 food pantries with over $50,000 in contributions—a 22% increase from 2023.
Coborn’s campaign promoted the importance of shared mealtime while addressing barriers families face. Focusing on pork, 66 stores collaborated on meal kit displays and recipe highlights, with top-performing stores earning gift card incentives. Social media efforts reached over 5,000 shoppers, and ecommerce promotions engaged 114,000 viewers. The campaign boosted pork sales by over 22% and tonnage by 20% year-over-year, showcasing the impact of targeted nutrition marketing.
Hy-Vee promoted family meals and addressed food insecurity with initiatives like the “Great Grocery Race,” where contest food was donated to food banks. Their WK Kellogg Co. partnership resulted in 400,000 meals for Feeding America. Dietitian-led outreach promoted affordable meal options, and their campaign, which generated $12.1M in media value, reached 435 million people.
Campbell’s “Making Dinners a Win” initiative focused on affordability and value, combining in-store displays, digital recipes, and partnerships with Giant Food and the Philadelphia Phillies. Their consumer newsletter, opened by 17% of 20,000 recipients, was complemented by a LinkedIn blog, generating 3,000 impressions and 3.6% engagement.
The Foundation for Fresh Produce’s “Have a Plant with Family” initiative promoted healthy eating during Family Meals and Fruits & Veggies Month through toolkits, social media campaigns, and newsletters reaching 49,000 recipients. Their content generated over 100 social engagements and 3,400 website impressions, amplifying awareness about nutritious family meals.
Ahold Delhaize USA’s Savory Magazine’s “Family Meals Movement – Back to Basics” aimed to promote affordable mealtime solutions with over 860,000 print copies distributed across four Ahold Delhaize USA grocery brands. The campaign included a meal planning guide featuring recipes and nutrition tips, along with a landing page that attracted over 10,000 viewers and social media promotions that garnered over 25,500 impressions.
Details about each recipient are available at www.FMI.org/GoldPlateAwards.
For Media:
About the FMI Foundation
Established in 1996, the FMI Foundation seeks to ensure continued quality and efficiency in the food retailing system and is operated for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes. To help support the role of food retailing, the FMI Foundation focuses on research, education, and resources in the area of health and well-being, which embraces food safety, nutrition and social responsibility concerns. For information regarding the FMI foundation, visit www.fmifoundation.org. #familymealsmonth; #familymealsmovement.
Generally used on landing pages.
Drag in a three column layout and add tile--banner and tile--row classes to the wrapper.
This variation of the tile-banner is intended to span the width of the screen, so make sure that you don't set this up inside another layout area with a max width.
In each column drag in a Tiles widget (under Curated Tiles, non-mvc). Chose to display 'one particular tile only'. Under Single Item Settings/ Detail Template, select Matrix - Single Tile.
All icon spans must include an "fmi-icon" class in addition to the classes listed below. (e.g. <span class="fmi-icon fmi-icon-calendar"></span>)
Also, if you will be using the icon inline with some text next to it: use a 'spacer-left' or 'spacer-right' class like so:
<span class="fmi-icon fmi-icon-calendar spacer-right"></span> calendarSee all icons
To display a large icon, use a large-icon class on the icon element.
Add a icon-badge class to an icon to give it a dark circular background.
To edit/add section icons (the green circle with an icon that appears on most pages).
In the admin navigate to Content > Section Icons
In the Title field of your image, prefix your title with mg-caption: . The caption will be added automatically.
Here are the updated IDs for all Categories.
If the category is a "sub category" (i.e. nested under something else), the ID of its parent appears in the third column - otherwise this column says "NULL" and can be ignored. We included this because it is important for determining whether you're looking at the "Training & Development" (ID=20) which is its own top-level category or if you're looking at the "Training & Development" which is nested underneath Education.
27 | Nutrition |
D | Food Safety & Security |
12 | Government Relations |
13 | Human Resources |
20 | Training & Development |
14 | Industry Relations |
1 | General Marketing & Merchandising |
28 | Crisis Management |
23 | Financial Management |
4B | Energy |
5 | Coupons |
9 | Sustainability |
64 | Education |
16 | Meat & Poultry |
19 | Produce |
1C | Seafood |
17 | Consumer Behavior & Trends |
18 | Pharmacy |
42 | Retail Dietitian |
11 | Category Management |
8 | Distribution |
A | Research |
3D | Food Waste |
2C | Deli / Bakery |
47 | Supplier Diversity |
2E | Payments |
2F | Transportation |
30 | SQFI |
32 | Asset Protection |
51 | Risk Management |
52 | Safety |
3C | Corporate Social Responsibility |
33 | Consumer Affairs |
54 | Animal Welfare |
65 | Signature Events |
57 | Safemark |
35 | Health & Wellness |
43 | Family Meals |
36 | Fresh Foods |
37 | Private Brands |
38 | Retail Operations |
46 | Total Store Collaboration |
4C | Packaging |
39 | Technology |
4E | Digital Shopper |
5C | Advertising |
5D | Social Media |
5E | Loyalty Programs |
5F | Communications |
60 | Shopper Services |
3B | Supply Chain |
34 | Cyber Security |
3E | Food Fraud |
66 | Training & Development |
Every blog section should consist of two pages: a list page and a detail page - this is necessary because post detail pages use a unique layout. To compose these sections do the following:
<strong>Category Name</strong> <div class="largest-text">Events</div>
mg-thumbnail-list--2-across mg-thumbnail-list--3-across mg-thumbnail-list--4-across mg-thumbnail-list--5-across Matrix - Title, Caption and Content Matrix - Title and Caption Linked Title Sponsor Carousel
Use the caption field for the items' text.
Use the caption field for the items' text.
Expand all button:
<p style="text-align:right;"><a class="button-secondary expand-toggle" href="#">Expand All</a></p>
11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
7:00 AM - 7:45 AM
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
We are finalizing locations. Stay tuned for more information.
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
John Lerch is the Director of Energy and Facilities for Weis Markets, Inc. a regional supermarket chain based in Sunbury, PA with stores located in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and West Virginia. John is responsible for the energy procurement, facility maintenance, HVAC/ Refrigeration Maintenance, equipment maintenance, and the implementation and execution of energy efficiency and sustainability programs at 200+ stores.