You can put National Family Meals Month™ on the map, and improve public health at the same time, by spreading the message with hashtag #familymealsmonth and encouraging your audience to raise their oven mitts in commitment to sharing one more meal at home per week.
Use hashtag #familymealsmonth to help your mission and organization get the attention and recognition it deserves. FMI will track engagement nationwide and curate content.
The following are sample posts and tweets that can be tailored to your organization’s unique voice.
Use the social media ideas above for fun ways to engage customers with oven mitt selfies and socialize National Family Meals Month™ with hashtag #familymealsmonth. You can get the Raise Your Mitt To Commit™ selfies trending by sharing these few photos on social media of real families raising their mitts to commit to one more meal at home per week. You have permission to use these photos in your promotion of National Family Meals Month™.