2017 Annual Business Conference (ABC)

ABC + Discovery for Retailers |Participation | Quick Links | Important Dates

Food Marketing Institute's (FMI) Annual Business Conference is an opportunity for top-level executives from retailer, wholesaler, sales agencies and supplier companies to come together for three intense days of collaborative business planning. This meeting is exclusive to FMI retail and wholesale member companies, FMI CPG Associate Members and their sales agency partners.

ABC + Discovery for Retailers

ABC + Discovery represents an expansion of the conference’s mission that takes into account the rapidly changing face of the food retailing industry. 

The “ABC” portion of the event remains the same: The opportunity for one-on-one meetings with potential partners or substantive discussions with existing partners. What’s new is Discovery.

How it Works

Each day of meetings during ABC + Discovery will wrap up with a briefing by industry experts who will give attendees a deep dive into the categories their shoppers are looking for, the consumer trends that are shifting the focus of the industry, and the new players in the marketplace that can help them grow their bottom line.

Valuable Takeaways 

When you look back on your ABC + Discovery experience, certainly one major takeaway will be the partnerships that have begun in face-to-face discussions between suppliers, retailers and wholesalers. 

But just as importantly, the takeaways will be the valuable information attendees have told FMI they want and need: 

  • Which product category innovations taking place in food retailing do I need to know about?
  • What are the trends shaping the industry that my business can benefit from?
  • What do today’s consumers want that I don’t know about? How can I deliver it to them?
  • Which categories are underrepresented in my stores? 
  • You know your customers are demanding new brands. Where are these brands and how can you connect with them?
  • What’s new in store formats? How do you format a sales floor today to wring the most profit from every available square inch?


To participate in the 2017 Annual Business Conference, please fill out and return the COMMITMENT FORM to Marc Thomas, mthomas@fmi.org.

As part of your company commitment, you will meet with key suppliers in their private suite to discuss long-term, strategic business objectives. Using the FMI online scheduling tool, you will be able to request and accept appointments with participating supplier companies.

Online Scheduler will open on June 28, 2017 at 12:00pm EST (must have a registered username and password to access).





June 28, 2017 Online Scheduler Opens -12:00pm EST
September 1, 2017 Housing Cut-Off Date at JW Marriott
September 15 , 2017 Last Day to Register for ABC
September 17-20, 2017 Annual Business Conference