2013 Health & Wellness @ Retail


For suppliers and service company providers in the health and wellness field, attending FMI Health and Wellness @ Retail provides the following outstanding benefits:

•    The opportunity to meet with decision makers and top executives in the supermarket industry  specializing in health and wellness across the store to promote your brand and discuss business opportunities.
•    A chance to discuss hot button health, wellness and pharmacy issues and provide retailers with the building blocks to take home and create an integrated corporate strategy for shopper health and wellness solutions.
•    Combination of up to 26 focused, timed (10 minute) business exchange sessions, a vendor display area and a private meeting room for up to 20 (40 minute) strategic meetings allows for both formal and informal business discussions and hands-on practical demonstrations.


Business Exchange Appointments Package

Business Exchange Appointment Sessions (BEAs) are pre-scheduled, face-to-face, table-top appointments. Suppliers and service company members host one or more tables on the appointment floor, and retailer and wholesalers transition from table to table at pre-designated times coordinated by their BEA schedules. The BEAs provide relative time-efficiency, trade partner exposure and a high level of decision-makers.

Package includes:
•    2 staff registrations
•    Business Exchange Appointments to conduct up to 26 x 10 minute appointments with more than 30 retail companies
•    Tabletop display in the “Health and Wellness Showcase Solutions” area**

Associate member rate: $ 2,500
Non-member rate: $ 2,950


Senior Executive Conference Package

The Senior Executive Conference (SEC) appointment format complements the BET appointments by providing a venue in which a more in-depth, strategically directed conversation can take place.  Like BETs, the SEC appointments are pre-scheduled but they are longer in duration and they take place in private meeting rooms, hosted by the supplier and service company members.  Participation in SECs is now CLOSED to new registrations.

Package includes:
•    Private meeting room to conduct up to 20  x 40 minute appointments with retailers
•    2 registrations
•    Business Exchange Table to conduct up to 26 x 10 minute appointments with retailers
•    Tabletop display in the “Health and Wellness Showcase Solutions” area**

Associate member rate: $ 5,500
Non-member rate:

$ 6,000



**Participating companies will be provided with a 6 ft skirted table to display materials and product samples for the duration of the event.