Thank you for making Midwinter 2013 the food retail industry’s most-attended conference for senior-level executives!          

Close to 1,000 retailers, wholesalers, independent operators and suppliers were in attendance.  And, more than 80% of the top 75 retailers/wholesalers were represented.  

Experience the conference highlights here:

- Peruse and share Midwinter’s  feed

- Celebrate the Midwinter Executive Award winners on


- Identify the latest trends and how you can better target shoppers in the Daymon Hartman Study  

See who came by downloading the 2013 digital directory

Conference presentations:


Succeeding in a Highly Competitive Food Retail Environment

Mobile Commerce and the Technology-Enabled Consumer

The Evolving Dollar Channel and Implications for Food Retail


Reframing Retail Through The Lens of Changing Food Culture

Unable to attend in 2013?  We hope to see you in 2014:


FMI’s Midwinter Executive is designed to challenge the perspectives of food retail leaders through insightful education and peer discursions around these themes and more:

  • The state of the food retail industry
  • Today’s political landscape and the economy
  • Consumer trends and changing behaviors
  • Inspirational leadership
  • Innovation and technology

FMI Networking Meetings and Events

A unique benefit of attending FMI’s Midwinter Executive Conference is strengthening your relationship with current trading partners and spending quality time with potential business partners.

Click the icons below to learn more.





Join us at the  FMI Foundation Industry Leadership Dinner and Silent Auction.  This event honors the charitable work of the FMI Foundation and its Board of Trustees.