2013 Private Brands Business Conference

The following list shows all reviewed attendees as of 12/27/2024.

Attendee Name Title  Company
Mr. Timothy Allton Senior Director, Corporate Brands and Military Sales
Mr. Robert Ashmun Vice President, Sales
Mr. Glenn Backus Senior Vice President
Ms. Colleen Bailey Senior Manager, Meeting Services FMI
Mr. Doug E. Baker Vice President, Industry Relations FMI
Ms. Susan Barry Director, Private Brands WinCo Foods, LLC
Mr. Doug J Bartlett Private Brand and Customer Service Manager The Fremont Company
Mrs. Christine Bellamo National Sales Manager Daymon
Mr. Michael J Bellis Director, Store Brands
Mr. Jonathan Biller Chief Commercial Officer, Retail Refresco
Mr. Jerry Black Business Manager
Mr. Bill Bradshaw Senior Vice President Federated Group, Inc.
Mr. Rick Brown Vice President Sales Alternative Channels
Mrs. Karin Cavanaugh Director of Sales
Mr. Richard Charrier Executive Vice President and COO
Mr. Robert D Cutler Senior Vice President, Procurement Western Family Foods, Inc.
Mr. Patrick D'Ambrosio Senior Director, Sales
Mr. Mike DeCory Vice President, Meat and Seafood Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
Mr. Mark Dickinson Managing Partner Emerge Strategic Solutions
Mr. Patrick Dilworth Vice President Sales, Retailer Brands The Sun Products Corporation
Mr. Nicholas Dispenziere Director, NonPerishable Sales and Merchandising Wakefern Food Corp.
Mr. John Failla Editor Store Brand Decisions
Mr. Christopher Gardier Senior Vice President, Consumer Sales
Mrs. Suzanne K George CMP Senior Manager, Education
Mr. Jerry Gilbert Vice President, Retail Sales
Ms. Deborah Ginsburg Founder and CEO Strategia Design LLC
Mr. Jim Goers Senior Vice President, Account Management and National Brands
Mr Aaron Gold Vice President Sales
Mr. Erik Gosh Head of North American Retail Doehler North America
Mr. Mike Hackbarth President International Expertise, Inc.
Mr. Howell Hammond Vice President, Sales and Marketing, NCS Group
Mr. Larry Hamwey Vice President, Sales Development
Mr. Phil Harper Director, Sales
Mr. Dan Harty Senior Director Emerging Channels Refresco
Mr. Dustin Hopper Category Leader
Mr. Mark Hudson Product and Marketing Manager
Mr. Jaylon Hutton Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing Niagara Bottling, LLC
Mr. Steve Jensen Director, Private Label Procurement
Mr. Eastin Jordan V Director, Own Brand Sourcing and Analytics, Product Development
Mr. Paul Kirkman Director Sales, South and Midwest Niagara Bottling, LLC
Mr. Velibor Koprivica CEO Brandscout Group
Mr. Karl Kruse Executive Vice President, Chief Merchandising Officer
Mr. Jerry J Lauro Vice President, New Business Development
Ms. Nancy Lebold Chief Executive Officer New Seasons Market
Mr. Steven T Lichtenstein Vice President and Group Publisher, Stagnito Media; Publisher, Private Label->Store Brands
Mrs. Jen Linke Vice President, Brand Management
Mr. Eric Long Senior Business Manager
Mr. Matt Ludwig Executive Vice President, Chief Social/Digital Commerce Officer
Mr. David R MacQuarrie Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Mr. John Manderfield Vice President Design Consolidated Container Company
Mr. Bob McTeir President
Mr. Dennis Meek Manager, National Accounts
Mr. James Messer Vice President, Merchandising
Mr. Steve Miller President JemPak GK Inc.
Mr. Todd Mullane Director of Private Label, Foods
Mr. Dan Muller National Sales Manager Private Label - North America
Mr. Peter Nai Vice President, Corporate Brands
Ms. Maria Nakasone Associate
Mr. Jamey Payne Senior Director
Mr. Gary Petersen Senior Vice President, Sales Red Gold, Inc.
Mrs. Jane Pinion Customer Service Manager Hunter Farms
Ms. Mary Rachide Chief Marketing Officer
Mr. Jason Ramsey President Merchants Distributors, LLC
Mrs. Melissa Rasmussen Director of Private Brands Merchants Distributors, LLC
Mr. Jeff Reagan Senior Vice President, Retail Operations
Mr. Earnie Redfearn Vice President Retailer Brands Operations
Mr. Robert Rentz Director, Sales
Mr. James Rinaldi Vice President Sales Proprietary Brands
Mr. Neil Ritchey Senior Vice President, Sales and Customer Care
Ms. Alison Rosenblum Director, Strategic Acct Development
Mr. Brad Rushton Executive Vice President, National Commodity Sales
Mr. Brian Sailer Sales Manager
Mr. Edward P Salzano Chairman StoreBrands USA Private Label Manufacturers Association
Mr. Perry Seelert Strategic Partner Emerge Strategic Solutions
Mr. Rich Sermone Vice President, Sales
Mr. Michael Servie Vice President Sales and Marketing
Mr. Andrew Shripka Director, Brand and Business Development, Grocery
Mr. Scott Smith Chief Executive Officer Spartan Foods of America, Inc.
Mr. Sal Stazzone President and CEO Alliance Foods, Inc.
Mr. Marvin Steadman Senior Vice President, Retailer Brands
Mr. Randy Stewart Group Vice President, Foods Merchandising
Mr. John F Summers Vice President
Mr. Jeff Sutton Director of Private Brands
Mr. Loyd A Tomlinson President and CEO LTA International Global Services
Ms. Robin Vogel Senior Vice President for Center Store Procurement
Ms Priscilla Wallace President New Marketing Network, Inc.
Mr. Loren Weinstein Director, Private Label and Branding Wakefern Food Corp.
Mr. Jerry Yandell Director of Sales Ajinomoto Foods
Mr. Timothy Yarosevich Senior Director Private Brands