It is through the generous donations of our supporters that the FMI Foundation can complete its mission. Their confidence in the Foundation’s mission and programs is deeply appreciated.

We pledge to be good stewards of your resources and welcome your involvement in the Foundation's varied activities.

Stir It Up Logo2025 Stir It Up!

For 2024's event, we upped the ante and had our event sponsors lend their creativity towards "feeding the fans" with sports-themed kitchens, menus, and activations. Held for the first time as the Midwinter Executive Conference's opening night event, we welcomed 600+ event attendees, 30+ sponsors, six kitchens, and four activations. Stir It Up!  even featured Midwinter’s first-ever mascot race and awarded 3 Gold Mitt Awards for Best Meal, Best Theme Execution, and Chef’s Pick.

All funds raised support the FMI Foundation's programs, including: 
-September’s National Family Meals Month™ & the year-long Family Meals Movement
-Food Safety Auditing Scholarships, awarded at SQF Unites
-Gene Editing resources (white papers, digital seminars, and conferences)
-Inspiring Careers in Food Workforce Initiative with national partner, Junior Achievement USA
-Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging resources (digital seminars, infographics, and the FMI Foundation-led DEI Committee)
-Animal Welfare resources (white papers and reports)

For Stir It Up! 2025, held again as the opening night event, we will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of advocating for Family Meals. Stir It Up! 2025's theme is What's for Dinner? Dishing Up New Family Flavors. Our theme honors regional cuisines of all types and new products and recipes that you can bring back to your own dinner table or breakfast bar. Check out our NEW sponsorship, the New Product Showcase, within our 2025 prospectus here.

Feel free to check out our 2025 Stir It Up! sponsors, noted below:

Mainstage Level Sponsor ($100,000+)

Premier+ Level Sponsors ($75,000-$99,999)

Premier Level Sponsors ($50,000-$74,999)

Partner Level Sponsors ($25,000-$49,999)

Contributing+ Level Sponsors ($10,001-$24,999)

Contributing Level Sponsors ($5,000-$9,999)