The 2018 Summer Back Pack Programs were built on the success of our annual Fall Community Food Drive programs which began in 2014. Our Independent retailers had the opportunity to participate with 3 banners participated: Best Yet, IGA and Piggly Wiggly offered their customer the chance to purchase a sturdy, colorful back pack filled with kid friendly food items (i.e. cereal, peanut butter & jelly, pudding, mac & cheese) for $10 which in turn was donated to their local choice of a school, charity organization or food bank.
C & S provided each participant a FREE P.O.S. kit as part of the program which included signage and other collateral materials to communicate the program (paid stickers, bag content label, sample ads for radio and ad flyers, etc.) Special reduced pricing on the items selected for the back packs
• Expand on our existing fall community food drive programs to reach other recipients of donated food in summer time frame when local, school based or national programs may not be available
• Include a school supply non-food receptacle with the kid friendly food items that could be used for a child’s start of school
• Gives the retailer a program that builds loyalty and showcase support in their respective neighborhood
• 95 stores participated from all 3 banners with donation total of over 9,200 filled back packs in our first launch!
• 3 store owners worked with their local organizations: Lion’s Club, United Way and respective school district to maximize their efforts
These Community Food Drives provide our independent retailers a hands on opportunity to be a contributing member of their respective neighborhood and partner with local organizations that in turn will benefit from these donations! Mike Duffy, CEO C & S Wholesale Grocers, Inc.
Support Statement:
• Aroostook Maine United Way
Sherry Locke, executive director of the United Way of Aroostook, also expressed her appreciation by noting, “The partnership with Tweedie IGA is a perfect example of identifying a community need and working together to solve it—the need being both food insecurity and school supplies. We value the partnership with Tweedie IGA and appreciate the continued support they provide to families here in Aroostook County. This is a project that no one entity could tackle alone, but by working together we are able to meet the needs in our community and Stuff the Bus PLUS!”
• Sidney NY Central School District The outpouring of support for this program has been wonderful,” said Sidney Central School District Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction and Special Programs Kerrie Johnston. “Thank you to the community for giving back.”