
Our award programs showcase industry leaders, outstanding food retail professionals and contributions grocery stores make to the communities they serve.

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FMI Executive Leadership Awards

FMI's executive leadership awards recognize our outstanding leaders for their service. These awards are presented annually at the Midwinter Executive Conference and other events.
See Our Latest Executive Leadership Award Winners

William H. Albers Award For Industry Relations

  • For excellence in trading partner relations and consumer and community service. A supermarket pioneer, Mr. Albers served as the first chairman of the Board of Directors of the Super Market Institute, one of FMI's predecessor associations, from 1937-1944. 

    Award Recipients

Sidney R. Rabb Award For Statesmanship

Sidney Rabb
  • For excellence in serving the consumer, the community and the industry. As a long-time industry leader and chief executive of The Stop and Shop Supermarket Company, Mr. Rabb was a role model for statesmanship and community service, recognizing the industry's higher purpose in serving society. 

    Award Recipients

Esther Peterson Award For Consumer Service

Esther Peterson
  • For a lifetime of vision, integrity and caring sensitivity to the needs of retail food customers. Ms. Peterson served as special assistant for consumer affairs under U.S. Presidents Johnson and Carter and pioneered the role for the food industry as vice president for consumer affairs at Giant Food Inc.

    Award Recipients

Donald H. MacManus Association Executive Award

Donald H. MacManus
  • For extraordinary leadership in public affairs, industry relations and community relations. Mr. MacManus served the industry for many years as executive director of the Rocky Mountain Food Dealers Association and as FMI's Western Region director. He was also a leader in the Colorado State Senate, rising to the position of Democratic whip.

    Award Recipients

Glen P. Woodard, Jr., Award For Public Affairs

  • For compelling advocacy of public policies on behalf of the industry in Washington, DC, and state capitals. Mr. Woodard set the standard for excellence in government affairs advocacy on behalf of Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc., and the Food Marketing Institute. 

    Award Recipients

Herbert Hoover Award For Humanitarian Service

Herbert Hoover
  • For humanitarian service in the food industry. The award was established in 1961 in honor of Herbert Hoover, 31st president of the United States, inspired by humanitarian campaigns he led working with the food industry. 

    Award Recipients

Robert B. Wegman Award For Entrepreneurial Excellence

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  • Celebrates the food retailer or wholesaler responsible for creating exceptional retail innovations. The award is presented to the food retailer - whether overseeing multiple stores or servicing as an independent operator -  who is exercising entrepreneurial leadership in the design of retail strategies and imaginative merchandising.

    Award Recipients

Additional Awards

Food Safety Innovation Award

FMI Food Safety Innovation Award 

Presented in conjunction with the International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI) this award recognizes a company for their commitment to the advancement of food protection through performance, practice, creation, sustainability and leadership.

2023 Recipient

2022 Recipient

2021 Recipient

2020 Recipient

2017 Recipient

Store Manager Awards Trophies

Store Manager Awards

The Store Manager Awards showcase exceptional service to customers, employees and the community using innovative initiatives that contribute to company success. Managers are honored in four categories based on company size.

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Community Uplift Awards

We showcase the creative ways the food industry contributes to communities they serve and encourage others to find their way to pay it forward with an annual awards program.

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Gold Plate Awards

The Gold Plate Awards highlight outstanding programs FMI members have implemented to encourage families to share more meals, together at home, more often. In conjunction with the FMI Foundation’s launch of National Family Meals Month™, we also honor the contributions these companies are making to help raise consumer awareness of the many benefits of family meals. 

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