Crisis Management 

FMI cannot prevent a crisis from happening, but we can help our members and partners manage crises before and after they occur, whether it is a natural disaster, a gun violence incidence, fraud or product recall. 

Crisis Resources

Stay Informed
Storm Central
  • All Hazards Consortium  - A regularly updated storm center webpage for executive and operational decision makers across multiple states and industries producing results in disaster management.
Food Assistance Information (SNAP & D-SNAP) 
Food Safety
  • Food Safety in a Disaster or Emergency - has information to share with consumers on how to keep food safe before, during, and after emergencies, such as floods, fires, natural disasters, or the loss of power.
Store Status Form
  • Store Status Through SABER - We're working with SABER, to provide information on the status of stores in affected area to help coordinate recovery efforts with federal and local government agencies.
Supply Chain Assistance
  • American Logistics Aid Network - Industry-wide organization that exists to provide supply chain assistance to disaster relief organizations (and other non-profits).
  • Commercial Routing Assistance - Latest information relevant to commercial organizations and drivers, state transportation officials and regulators, federal transportation officials and regulators, and trade associations who rely upon continuous vehicle movement to meet their mission.

FMI and TPOP Present Online Training: Workplace Violence Preparedness

FMI members can implement comprehensive online training for workplace violence prevention, verbal de-escalation, and active assailant preparedness. 

The training, which is custom tailored for the grocery and food industry, will give FMI members and their workers the knowledge and confidence to identify, prevent, and if necessary, minimize potentially violent conflicts.

Take advantage of the FMI Member discount for valuable eLearning.

Learn More

Digital Seminar Series: Are You Prepared for Workplace Violence?

Brought to FMI members through our partnership with leaders in violence mitigation training, we are co-hosting a series to help you learn how to identify threats your associates may face and how to address them.

Series Details

FMI Member Plus Program

Early Alert Transparent (002)

FMI's Member Plus Program helps you get more out of your membership by facilitating connections with industry leading resources. Here is one Member Plus Program partner that relates to asset protection and crisis management.

Early Alert provides access to discounted packages for Meteorology and All-Hazard Emergency Management solutions.


Policy Statements

Our current Board approved policy statement on this topic:

FMI Violence Preparedness Committee

The FMI Executive Committee recommends creating the Violence Preparedness Committe the at FMI to better prepare for, and react to, acts of violence in our industry.

State Cyber Security Resources

Security Breach Notification Chart
Perkins Coie's Privacy & Security practice maintains a comprehensive chart that summarizes state laws regarding security breach notification. The chart is for informational purposes only and is intended as an aid in understanding each state's unique security breach notification requirements. Lawyers, compliance professionals, and business owners may find this chart helpful when preparing for and responding to data breaches.

Learn More
Crisis Management leadership image

FMI's crisis management services include:

  • Acting as a liaison with federal agencies during times of crisis
  • Crisis guidelines regarding natural disasters, active shooters, communications and food recalls
  • Experts in asset protection and safety available for consultation
  • After-action advisory groups to debrief and improve processes
  • Tools for dealing specifically with cyberattacks on business processes
  • Advisory board membership for the Retail Cyber Intelligence Sharing Center (R-CISC)
  • Real-time information during federally declared states of emergency and product recalls