As Joe Cowhey, the store owner, was beginning to move his family to Pennsylvania and open his first store, Beau Biden was making headlines prosecuting the worst pedophile in the Nation’s history. After Beau’s death, his foundation started training adults in the warning signs of child abuse through the Darkness to Light program.
The Cowhey family’s involvement started when their twin girls, Kara and Kelsey donated their high school graduation gift to the Beau Biden Foundation. This program has a special place in his heart because his twins spent a part of their life in the Delaware foster system before Joe and his wife Deborah brought them into their family. While they were able to bring two young girls into their family, they recognize there are countless more kids that need help.
Today, as the father of three young girls, Joe works tirelessly with local organizations to create new partnerships and bring the Darkness to Light program to as many organizations as possible. This started with a Child ID Kit Day at his store and a visit by Dr. Jill Biden. It then grew into a partnership with the Central Bucks YMCA to provide the training to volunteers at their summer camp.
Most recently, Joe partnered with a local hospital and through funds raised in his ShopRite, former Vice-President Joe Biden came to Warminster to formally announce a partnership to provide training to the hospital staff on the warning signs of child abuse.
The Cowheys look forward to partnering with more organizations and training at least 5% of adults in the county.
The Cowhey Family ShopRite has helped to contribute over $100,000 since partnering with the foundation to bring the program to Bucks County. This has been raised through personal contributions, customer support at the registers and through our vendors. When we raise funds for the foundation, it is a complete team effort with the cashiers asking for donations, department managers reaching out to their contacts and our courtesy staff developing new ways to raise funds. In addition, the company regularly promotes the foundation in store through banners and has an introductory video on loop that plays in our produce department. We have been supported in our endeavors through the township government and recognized by both Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick and Brian Fitzpatrick on the floor of the House of Representatives for our efforts.
The objectives of the program is to partner with as many non-profit or child focused organizations in Bucks County. Through funds raises in store and with help from the community, we hope to provide the training to as many adults in these organizations as possible. In doing so, if we are able to help save one kid from abuse then the program is worth it. However, a broader goal of the company’s involvement is that we break the stigma of talking about child abuse. If more adults come together and talk about the warning signs or speak up when they suspect something, then we have contributed to a healthier and safer community for all children.
With $100,000 raised so far, the program has been able to provide ID kits for over 200 families in Warminster, Pennsylvania. Dozens of local YMCA staff have been trained in the Darkness to Light program and many more will be trained throughout the next nine months. Additionally, Doylestown Hospital staff will soon begin the training program. The initial round of employees will include the Hospital's clinical ER staff as well as those in the pediatric department and the Children's Village early childhood education center on the Hospital's campus. Through this pilot program, we hope to expand to the other hospitals in Bucks County and additional chapters of the YMCA. While we are not yet at the goal of training at least 5% of county adults, we are well positioned to achieve that goal within the next three years.
Not only is this program important to my family and I, it is the right thing to do. I’m proud to partner with the local YMCA, Doylestown Health and the Centennial School District to bring this program to Bucks County and help keep kids safe. As Beau Biden said, “Children can’t speak for themselves…We have to speak for them and act on their behalf.” When I see the work that my team members do in raising funds or the willingness of the community to come together, I know we will get the job done.
I look forward to growing these partnerships and utilizing every resource I have available to me. I know that with tireless dedication and a shared commitment to keeping kids safe, we will achieve the goal of training at least 5% of adults in Bucks County.”—Joe Cowhey, Owner ShopRite of Warminster
The Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children’s expansion in to Bucks County, PA is entirely because of the support and hard work of Joe Cowhey. Because of his commitment to our mission, we’ve raised over $100,000 to keep the kids of Bucks County safe from the threat of abuse and neglect. The work we do is personal to Joe - and his commitment to the community speaks volumes about the kind of man he is. Our programming will touch thousands of children and families. Kids will be safe, the community will be stronger, and Beau’s vision for a world where children can grow up safe from predators will be fulfilled.--Josh Alcorn, COO of the Beau Biden Foundation.
Support Statement:
The Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children’s expansion in to Bucks County, PA is entirely because of the support and hard work of Joe Cowhey. Because of his commitment to our mission, we’ve raised over $100,000 to keep the kids of Bucks County safe from the threat of abuse and neglect. The work we do is personal to Joe - and his commitment to the community speaks volumes about the kind of man he is. Our programming will touch thousands of children and families. Kids will be safe, the community will be stronger, and Beau’s vision for a world where children can grow up safe from predators will be fulfilled.--Josh Alcorn, COO of the Beau Biden Foundation.