We began this program back in 2014 when we started our partnership with City Harvest- New York City’s largest food rescue organization, helping to feed the more than 1.2 million New Yorkers who are struggling to put meals on their tables. We solicit our vendor community and together a group of CPG vendors to maximize our donation efforts. We bring the program to life at retail by featuring special savings on items from the brands supporting our fundraising efforts. All our our bantered retail locations (CTown Supermarkets, Bravo Supermarkets and AIM Supermarkets) feature the sale items in the circular ad, put of special POS materials at store promoting the program and build special end aisle display with the brands supporting the program.
In 4 years we have more than tripled our support and grown the program to include 2 promotions a year- 1 in May that focuses on helping raise money for NYC students during the summer when funded school lunches are no longer available, and the second program which runs in November and is themed around #GivingTuesday. In 2018 with the support of our vendors, retailers and Krasdale we collectively raised over $75,000 for City Harvest. We wrap up the 2018 program in November with an exclusive volunteering takeover event at City Harvest's distribution center, where a group of over 50 employees, retailers and vendors meet to repack over 5,000 holiday food boxes that gets distributed to New Yorkers in need.
The goal of this program is to raise awareness to City Harvest's efforts and bring together our supply chain to help support the communities we serve. In addition to this we also utilize this partnership internally with our employees to encourage them to spend time giving back and volunteering their time.
Krasdale with the support of our vendors, retailers have raised over $300,000 to City Harvest's fundraising efforts. In addition to its success monetarily this program has generated millions of impressions both in-store and digitally and created excitement at store level that consumers look for every year.
"Our commitment to enriching our communities runs deep and we take great pride in helping strengthen the neighborhoods in which we operate. Our partnership with City Harvest with full support from our CTown & Bravo Supermarkets over the years is a great example how we do that. Community engagement that allows us to connect and give back to the communities we serve has been one of our guiding principles since our company first began 110 years ago." -Steven Silver, Chief Operating Officer at Krasdale Foods
Support Statement:
"Support from Krasdale/Alpha 1 directly enabled City Harvest to rescue and deliver 300,000 pounds of fresh, nutritious food to our neighbors facing hunger in NYC - enough to help feed over 3,000 people for an entire summer. Alpha 1 employees will also donated their time to help repack hundreds of Thanksgiving meal boxes for families in need during Repack to Give Back in November 2018. -Nicole Sumner, Business Partnerships Manager at City Harvest