Company : Kenny Family ShopRites of Delaware- Delaware Supermarkets Inc.
Program category : 2016


The Kenny Family Foundation was created as a charitable foundation in 2008 by the owners and partners of The Kenny Family ShopRites, in an effort to assist the underserved in New Castle County, Delaware. The foundation supports hundreds of charitable organizations in the local community by providing microgrants and creating partnerships. The foundation focuses on three main programs; Active Partners, Partners in Training, and Student Shopper. The goal of these programs is to provide:

  • financial support and nourishment to nonprofit organizations
  • engagement of grass-root efforts to build community awareness
  • health and financial literacy education to elementary students
  • training and employment for adults with barriers to financial independence


The Kenny Family ShopRite stores allow the Foundation to utilize the stores as living campus for educational outreach and events promoting health and financial literacy. The Kenny Family ShopRite stores raise money and donate significantly to the Foundation each year in a philanthropic gesture to the community. In addition, the community gives back in time and donations. In 2015, our KFFDElegates donated over 750 hours of volunteer time in the community, our Active Partners joined us for 24 community learning lunches in the stores with ShopRite associates, and over 450 community partners joined us for our Annual Fundraiser.


Our mission is to be the active supporter of the local community by investing in well-being, improving quality of life, and supporting a sustainable future. Our emphasis on promoting social welfare, providing assistance to those in need and contributing to humanitarian endeavors is carried out through three major programs; Partner’s in Training, Student Shopper, and Active Partners.


  • Over one million dollars donated to the community since 2010
  • Average of 1,000 annual partnerships, event participation, grants, and sponsorships per year with local organizations and charities.
  • Approximately 85 Partners in Training adults graduate per year, and employment retention lasts up to eight years at ShopRite. We are currently enrolling our 100th class at Goodwill.
  • The 2015/2016 school year provided elementary programs to 575 students in seven local schools, teaching families to eat healthy and shop on a budget.


"Our mission in the establishment of the The Kenny Family Foundation was to create a non-profit which could build sustainability for all organizations, and provide assistance for those committed to improving the quality of life in the local community. We are accessible, present and active partners within our community and we believe collaboration is the key to creating a sustainable future for Delaware." -- Dr. Christopher Kenny, Esq, Kenny Family Foundation Board Member and CEO/President of Kenny Family ShopRites.

"When I think of the Kenny Family Foundation I think about all of the thousands of lives that have been impacted by the foundation. The Kenny Family Foundation impacts the human condition by supporting community organizations with financial and/or in kind support. In turn these organizations can further their mission. The Kenny Family Foundation has a footprint on the Delaware community organizations. I can’t think of a better organization to partner with. They truly care about the community, and demonstrate it daily through its mission. I personally feel like I am a member of the family. I am the Kenny Family Foundation." -- Nakishia Williams Bailey, Ph.D., Director of Community and Corporate Relations, Canaan Baptist Church

Support Statement:

When I think of the Kenny Family Foundation I think about all of the thousands of lives that have been impacted by the foundation. The Kenny Family Foundation impacts the human condition by supporting community organizations with financial and/or in kind support. In turn these organizations can further their mission. The Kenny Family Foundation has a footprint on the Delaware community organizations. I can’t think of a better organization to partner with. They truly care about the community, and demonstrate it daily through its mission. I personally feel like I am a member of the family. I am the Kenny Family Foundation. Nakishia Williams Bailey, Ph.D., Director of Community and Corporate Relations, Canaan Baptist Church