The Kenny Family Foundation has served as a charitable foundation since 2008. The Kenny Family Foundation was founded by the Kenny family, who own and operate the six Kenny Family ShopRites in the State of Delaware. The Foundation has eight board members and one full time employee as Executive Director who manages all operations of the Foundation. The Foundation supports hundreds of charitable organizations annually in New Castle County. The Foundation's mission is to be the active supporter of the local community by investing in well-being, improving quality of life and supporting a sustainable future. More information about the efforts of the Foundation, additional photos and video may be found on the website at www.kffde.org.
The Kenny Family ShopRite stores allow the Foundation to fund raise in-store and use the stores as living classrooms for educational outreach and events promoting health and financial literacy for the community. The Kenny Family ShopRite store owners donate significantly to the Foundation each year and actively promote an annual fundraiser in a philanthropic gesture to the community. In 2014, the Foundation also raised almost $200,000.00 in the six ShopRite stores through community donations at the registers.
The Kenny Family Foundation developed Active Partners, a microgrant program providing aid to Non-Profit Organizations in Delaware in need of assistance for specific smaller scale donations. Contributions are awarded to requests aligned with our foundation’s mission. In addition to the microgrants, we actively strive to be present in the community, with hands-on assistance of our KFFDElegates, volunteers who commit to a better Delaware community. Our passion is to be a constant active presence, making an impact in building a sustainable community in Delaware.
The Active Partners Program is designed to gratify the immediate needs of the non-profits and organizations in New Castle County. In 2014 The Kenny Family Foundation donated $366,000.00 to organizations with hundreds of grants, sponsorships, partnerships and event support, touching the lives of thousands of our neighbors in the community. We differ from alternative grant opportunities by providing a more simple application process, quick turnaround time and personal involvement to assist even the smallest organizations who reach out to us for assistance.
“Our goal in creating the Active Partners Program with The Kenny Family Foundation was to provide assistance to all non-profit organizations who work tirelessly to improve the quality of life in the local community. We are accessible, present and active in the community because we believe collaboration is the key to creating a sustainable future for Delaware “ Chris Kenny CEO&President ShopRites of Delaware
Support Statement:
“When I think of the Kenny Family Foundation I think about all of the thousands of lives that have been impacted by the foundation. The Kenny Family Foundation impacts the human condition by supporting community organizations with financial and/or in kind support. In turn these organizations can further their mission. The Kenny Family Foundation has a footprint on the Delaware community organizations. I can't think of a better organization to partner with. They truly care about the community, and demonstrate it daily through its mission. I personally feel like I am a member of the family. I am the Kenny Family Foundation. “ Nakishia Williams Bailey, Ph.D. Canaan Baptist Church