“Food or February” was started in December of 2011 by Newport Avenue Market, an employee-owned specialty grocery store based in Bend, Oregon. The annual program is dedicated to serving the hungry in Central Oregon (the tri-county region in which Bend is located, with a population of almost 200,000) by relying on cash donations to purchase food in bulk at wholesale prices. Each year, Newport matches customer donations dollar-for-dollar up to $25,000. Since the program’s inception, total funds raised equal $134,442.
Every December, Newport Avenue Market invites customers to participate in the “Food for February” fundraiser by asking that they donate a dollar or more at the register. Upon donation, each customer receives a paper plate to proudly display at the store. In January, Newport tallies the total donation amount and then matches funds. With all proceeds going towards local food kitchen organization Family Kitchen, Newport Avenue Market works hand-in-hand with their wholesaler Unified Grocers to use the funds to selectively order hundreds of fresh foods from Family Kitchen’s wish list.
It is not commonly known that February is one of the hardest hitting months for hungry families in Central Oregon. Money is tight after the holidays, donations dwindle and food pantries are depleted. The “Food for February” program originated because of the need during that time and takes place during the Holiday Season when customers are more likely able to donate and giving is top-of-mind.
“Food for February” by the numbers:
Newport Avenue Market has a philosophy that no matter the person's situation, everyone deserves a meal. Observing that the holiday season is a time of giving, especially for the food banks that are flooded with donations, the Market wondered, “What happens after the holiday season, when it’s still cold outside, and there are still hungry families?” With this thought in mind, “Food for February” was born.
2015 Program Objectives:
“In 2015, through the generosity of our customers that chose to shop with us and donate to Food for February, Family Kitchen will have fed 57,000 meals. Our customers donated $31,000; we matched those funds dollar-for-dollar, for a total of $56,000. Those dollars bought groceries at cost from Newport Ave. Market and our vendors, to create meals for the ENTIRE YEAR at Family Kitchen. Just another reminder of how totally cool (and caring) our loyal customers are!”
“One thing we can do is count on our customers to support our community with their generosity, and this year’s Food for February was no exception!”
- Lauren G. R. Johnson, Leader of the Pack (vrrrooom!) & CEO of Newport Avenue Market
“Food for February is the largest in-kind donation in Family Kitchen’s history. Knowing the entire community pitched in to make it all happen provides a level of respect that our diners don’t often feel. This has become not just a treat for February, but a healthy boost all year ‘round. We are beyond grateful.” - Donna Burklo, PT Development & Marketing Director, Family Kitchen
Support Statement:
“Food for February is the largest in-kind donation in Family Kitchen’s history. Knowing the entire community pitched in to make it all happen provides a level of respect that our diners don’t often feel. This has become not just a treat for February, but a healthy boost all year ‘round. We are beyond grateful.” - Donna Burklo, PT Development & Marketing Director, Family Kitchen