Food City is very involved with different events throughout the Gray community. This past year we were very proud to be able to support different events that enabled us to give back to the community in so many ways. This past summer we were very proud to be a part of so many children’s and adults lives with the Little League and the Challenger League. Little League and Challenger League has over 500 participants and Food City was able to help with food, equipment, and our employees volunteered their time to these children. Food City was able to provide a hot meal and small gifts to over 300 senior citizens for the Christmas Party. For most senior citizens this is the only Christmas they receive. Food City was also happy to donate a flatbed of toys for the Gray Christmas Parade. These toys were thrown out to the kids’ in our community. Food City was also able to provide food, candy, and flowers to the community’s Fall Fling and Spring Gala. The Fall Fling is a Halloween Party for the special need kids and adults in our community. The Spring Gala is a prom for the special need kids in our community that otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend prom. Last, Food City was also able to donate and help pack food boxes to feed the hungry in our community.
By getting involved in these important events Food City has been able to provide food to so many people. Also, we are able to bring the community together as one! Food City doesn’t only provide food, flowers, candy, or gifts but we are able to touch the lives of so many people. This year the Fall Fling and Spring Gala have grown to over 300 kids and adults. We are honored to be part of such a special event in our community. The Little League and Challenger League had over 500 participants and knowing we are part of putting a smile on a child’s face – there is not a better feeling! We are looking forward to next year!
Our objective is to give back to the community everyday throughout the year. Our community is loyal to us and is part of the Food City Family. Without our community we wouldn’t be able to do what we do and give back in all the ways we are able to give back. We are blessed and we want to help those in our community in any way that we possibly can. Without our community we wouldn’t be where we are today!
Food City's involvement in the community has enabled these events to grow each and every year. From the Fall Fling and Spring Gala starting out with approximately 60 kids to now having over 300 in attendance. Without Food City these events wouldn't be able to grow like they have. Food City's involvement with the Little League and Challenger League is just as important because they help with food as well as equipment. Also, Food City's help with the Christmas Parade brings smiles to approximately 720 people in our community.
"Giving back to our community is who we are and what we do!" - Steve Smith, CEO K-VA-T Foods Inc.
Without Food City involvements in the Gray Community we wouldn't be able to have any of these events much less have them grown the way they have. Food City's support in our community is more than we could ever imagine. Whenever the community is in need of something we know that we can call and Food City will help in any way they can as well as go above and beyond of what is asked of them.
Support Statement:
Without Food City involvements in the Gray Community we wouldn't be able to have any of these events much less have them grown the way they have. Food City's support in our community is more than we could ever imagine. Whenever the community is in need of something we know that we can call and Food City will help in any way they can as well as go above and beyond of what is asked of them.