WASHINGTON, DC — May 22, 2002 — In an effort to help retailers decrease their fraud exposure and payments costs and learn about new and emerging forms of payment, Food Marketing Institute (FMI) and the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) present the 2002 Retail Electronic Payment Systems (EPS) Conference. The conference will be held June 5-7 at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Reston, VA.

“This program will address key issues with retailers on the challenges of implementing and adapting to new and evolving forms of payment,” stated Art Powell, director, retail services, Albertson’s Inc. and conference co-chair. “Partnering with NACS is an invaluable experience that allows us to share information and ideas on the opportunities and unknowns of the future of retail payments and develop a greater understanding of how these technologies impact retailers.”

The conference will cover:

  • New Federal Laws covering businesses that provide financial services, including check cashing, bill payment, money orders and money transfers.
  • Biometric Technology that is being used to speed customers through checkout and reduce fraud and losses for retailers.
  • Electronic Check Conversion as a more efficient means to saving money for retailers.

A special closing address by Scott Henderson, treasurer, The Kroger Company, will provide information on how retailers may incorporate ideas and information from the conference into their individual stores.

The conference registration fees are $565 for members, $935 for associate members and $1000 for nonmembers. To register for the 2002 Retail EPS Conference, or for more information, please visit the FMI website at www.fmi.org/events, or call Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd at (202) 220-0736.