“The future of supermarketing will be a blend of technology, creative and strategic store design, and premium service – combined to provide the ultimate in customer satisfaction and convenience, as well as operating efficiency,” notes Rick Stanley, chairman of FMI's Retail Store Development Committee and supervisor of store design for Spartan Stores, Inc. “We’ll convene some of the most notable names in store development and design to imagine the possibilities.”
Program highlights include:
- Fuel centers: profit center or loss leader? A separate session looks at fuel modeling and site design.
- Using technology in design and construction. What emerging technologies will aid developers in creating efficient, eye-catching store designs?
- Regulatory compliance in the development process — particularly land use and environmental laws.
- Property rights — the tenant’s perspective.
- Reducing project costs.
- Designing for energy conservation.
- The influence of loss prevention concerns on store design.
- Award-winning retail design...it’s more than just design.
The conference also includes a special session on the latest consumer trends, several networking events and tours of Scottsdale-area supermarkets.
The conference fee is $650 for FMI and FDI members, $935 for associate members and $1,100 for nonmembers. To register or to obtain more information, visit the FMI Web site at www.fmi.org or call Laurie Gethin at FMI (202-220-0715) or Wayne Breckenridge at FDI (703-532-9400).