WASHINGTON, DC — July 8, 2005 — The Food Marketing Institute’s (FMI) SuperSafeMark® series won the Award of Excellence in the 2005 Associations Advance America program, a national competition sponsored by the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), Washington, DC.

SuperSafeMark® offers comprehensive food safety and sanitation training to all levels of supermarket employees, from management to line workers. The program is designed to help facilitate retailers’ ability to combat foodborne illness.

Now in its 15th year, the Association Advance America awards program recognizes associations that propel America forward with innovative projects in education, skills training, standards-setting, business and social innovation, knowledge creation, citizenship and community service.   

“We are delighted that SuperSafeMark® was honored with this extraordinary distinction,” said Jill Hollingsworth, DVM, FMI’s group vice president of food safety programs. “SuperSafeMark® addresses the critical issue of food safety and is unparalleled in its ability to meet the unique needs of retailers.”

Launched in 2002, SuperSafeMark® has expanded beyond the original training program to include a Spanish language version, an online program and a national certification program for store managers.

“FMI’s SuperSafeMark® program truly embodies the spirit of the Associations Advance America campaign. It is an honor to showcase the program as an example of the many contributions associations are making to advance American society,” said David Gabri, president and CEO of Associated Luxury Hotels International and the Associations Advance America committee chair.

For more information on SuperSafeMark®, visit FMI’s Web site at www.fmi.org.