Forty Years of Service to Food Industry Recognized

Arlington, VA – September 24, 2008 – Karen H. Brown, senior vice president of the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) and corporate secretary to the FMI Board of Directors, announced her retirement effective January 1, 2009.

“Karen committed the span of her career to supporting the success of food retailers and wholesalers. Most important, she graciously served the FMI Board of Directors to help them achieve their goals,” said Tim Hammonds, president and CEO, FMI. “Her innovative contributions fostered an understanding and appreciation of the role and value of the industry with the media, government, nonprofit organizations and NGOs.”

Brown oversees FMI’s internal and external communications and marketing functions, issues advocacy, information services, food safety programs and member services. She coordinates the activities of FMI Board task forces and committees. Brown has managed the industry’s policy initiatives in animal welfare, genetically modified foods, HIV/AIDS, diversity and community relations. She has provided extensive crisis communications and issues management counsel to FMI members.

Before her appointment as senior vice president, Brown was vice president, communications (1981 to 1994), and vice president, consumer affairs (1978 to 1981), responsible for creating FMI’s consumer affairs program. Prior to the 1977 merger of the National Association of Food Chains and the Super Market Institute that formed FMI, Brown was a member of the public affairs staff of the National Association of Food Chains.

Brown has participated on numerous government and industry advisory groups, including USDA’s National Advisory Council on Maternal, Infant and Fetal Nutrition and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Business Response to AIDS. She served on the boards of Second Harvest and the National AIDS Fund.

“I feel very fortunate to have been able to work in this great industry for all of my adult life. I have been presented with outstanding opportunities for personal and professional growth, and I have come to know people of great integrity who have generously shared their knowledge and their friendship,” said Brown. “I can honestly say there has never been one dull moment.”