Endorsed January 26. 2019
Download PDF Version of FMI Board Policy Regarding Sustainable Seafood
FMI members support programs to promote a sustainable seafood supply.
To achieve this goal FMI encourages the following:
- Learn about the issues that relate to seafood sustainability and how they can be applied within companies.
- Utilize sustainable seafood resources available from FMI and others to educate company and store associates.
- Consider the sustainability of the seafood supply in the development of company procurement policies.
- Explore sustainable seafood certification programs.
- Recognize that the treatment of workers in the seafood supply chain presents unique challenges that the industry can help address.
- Engage with supply chain partners, governments, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to advocate for seafood to be harvested and processed in a socially and environmentally responsible manner that promotes the long-term health and sustainability of the resource.
FMI will work in partnership with the seafood industry, environmental organizations and other experts to develop guidelines to promote the long-term viability of the world’s seafood supply.