David Fikes, Executive Director, FMI Foundation
The CDC reports that nine out of ten American adults do not eat enough fruit and vegetables. That shortfall does not come from a lack of awareness. We KNOW fruits and vegetables are good for us and we are constantly reminded that we should be eating more of them. The problem is not cognitive, it’s behavioral. We know better; we just can’t seem to DO better. So, the issue is not one of information but one of incentive, and we have learned that shaming or trying to guilt folks into eating more fruits and vegetables just doesn’t work long term. We must learn another tactic if we want more Americans to take advantage of the health benefits of increased fruit and vegetable consumption.
One of the known benefits of meals eaten with your loved ones is that they are healthier and more nutritious because of the increased likelihood that fruits and vegetables are present and consumed. Report after report substantiates that family meals eaten at home are not only better for you socially and emotionally but are better for you nutritionally due to the fruit and vegetable factor.
At the end of each Family Meals Month, Harris Poll conducts a survey to help the FMI Foundation know the reach of our information. Last year, 31% of America, more than 105 million people, saw one of our partner’s ads or promotions touting the value of family meals. The more impressive statistic coming out of the Harris Poll report, however, was that 95% of those who saw the materials took positive action; some said they ate together more often, others reported cooking more meals at home and some stated they made healthier food choices while shopping and cooking. However, the positive action that I want to highlight for you today is that 31% said they purchased more fresh fruits and vegetables because they were encouraged to eat more meals at home together with family or friends who feel like family.
The benefits are apparent: parents eat more fruits and vegetables because they want to model positive behavior for their children. The kids eat more fruit and vegetables because the parents are present encouraging them to do so. If it is a gathering of friends, the accountability factor and positive peer pressure supports more fruit and vegetable consumption. As the dominoes fall, encouraging family meals encourages fruit and vegetable consumption, which encourages better long-term eating habits. That translates to a healthier America.
It’s really a simple hack, want to see an uptick in fresh fruit and vegetable sales? Promote more family meals.
Want to see your shoppers eating healthier and feeling more emotionally stable? Promote family meals.
Want to see a healthier America? Join the Family Meals Movement.