This is the second installment in a new FMI blog series on Gen Z grocery shopping habits. This series will share compelling research and cover aspects ranging from shopping behaviors to attitudes about values.
Gen Z cooking habits

By: Margaret Core, Vice President, Marketing, FMI

I've always been fascinated by generational insights, especially when I can apply them to my marketing strategies. As a baby boomer myself and a mom of two Gen Z boys, I've had a front-row seat to their unique habits and preferences. Last year, a colleague at Oliver Wyman handed me their latest Gen Z Report, and I couldn't put it down — it was like reading a manual on my kids!

It has been eye-opening to watch my boys, now settled into their routines and budding careers in Chicago and San Francisco and how they approach grocery shopping and meal prep. Even how they plan out their grocery trips, how their batch cooking varies from how I would — and I taught them how to grocery shop!

According to U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends 2024, before going to the grocery store, Gen Zers are far more likely to seek additional information about the products they're buying and the store itself.

Source: U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends 2024

However, only 61% of Gen Z check which staples may need replenishment before going to the store, compared to 77% of consumers overall. As young adults, many Gen Zers are figuring out their staple meals, so they may not have as many staples yet.

Source: U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends 2024

I can't mention my boys without bringing up their smartphones — they are so functional with their apps, paying bills, managing their household utilities, payments, sports tickets, and more. The functionality applies to their grocery shopping. They appreciate relevant digital couponing, Instagram inspirations and digital recipes. Gen Z is more likely than the average shopper (45% of Gen Z vs 29% overall) to use their phone for making grocery lists, whether through text messages, SMS, email or notes.

Incorporating these generational insights into marketing efforts can be incredibly powerful, especially when targeting a demographic as distinct and value driven as Gen Z. By embracing digital tools, authentic brand messaging and alternative payment methods, there's a lot we can learn from observing and understanding Gen Z habits.

And speaking of trendy habits, have you noticed the rise of salads in a jar? They perfectly exemplify Gen Z's love for convenient, healthy, and Instagram-worthy meal prep. Happy marketing!